Author Archives: Jay Butchko

According to New Study, Drivers Running Red Lights Are Killing Pedestrians at The Highest Rate in 10 Years
According to a new study from AAA, the number of pedestrians killed by drivers running red lights is now at a 10 year high. In 2017, close to 1,000 people were killed in connection with this violation, which represents the highest death toll since 2008 and an almost 30 percent increase since 2012. According… Read More »

Vaping Illnesses and Deaths in Rhode Island & Elsewhere
There is a new deadly illness that no one saw coming, especially those who were seeking the safer alternative to smoking tobacco that a number of manufacturers promised via vaping or “e-cigarettes.” According to the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control, there have been at least 450 cases of vape-related… Read More »

Rhode Island Sees Far Too Many Drowning Accidents Every Summer
Losing a child to drowning is both tragic and something that happens way too frequently, especially during the summer. Drowning kills almost 1,000 children every single year and is the highest cause of injury-related deaths amongst children between the ages of one and four. Many of these accidents occur when children are not being… Read More »

Injuries Are Now the Biggest Threat to Children Worldwide
According to the latest research, injuries have now officially become the leading cause of death for children worldwide and have far surpassed infectious diseases. Specifically, 2017 alone, injuries were responsible for the deaths of more than 11,000 children as well as emergency room visits by close to 7 million US children. In addition, more… Read More »