Category Archives: Car Accidents

New Study Shows That Distracted Driving Laws Decrease Fatal Motor Vehicle Crashes for Teens
According to a new study, laws that prohibit teenage drivers not only from texting, but from using hand-held phones in any way and engaging in all distracted driving behavior work to decrease fatal auto accidents amongst 16- to 19-year-old drivers. Specifically, according to the study, states like Rhode Island that have “primary” texting bans… Read More »

According to New Study, Driverless Cars Won’t Ever Prevent Most Accidents, So Why Are We Ignoring the Warning Signs?
According to a new study published by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, even though approximately 94 percent of all car accidents are due to human error, autonomous vehicles can only prevent approximately one-third of them. This is because – although the vehicles can better identify hazards, as well as prevent accidents caused by… Read More »

Tesla “Smart Summon” Feature Already Causing Auto Accidents
Tesla appears to be at the center of what might very well turn into a class action lawsuit, once again: It’s latest app feature—called the “Smart Summon”—has been documented causing car accidents, just since it was released to the public on September 26. The feature is designed to allow someone to “summon” their car… Read More »