Category Archives: Premises Liability

Providence, Rhode Island Court Makes First Decision in Finding That Schools Owe Students a Duty of Care in Study Abroad Programs, Opening The Door for Premises Liability Claims
In a monumental win for students and others who are injured due to the negligence of schools and other facilities who fail to ensure that the proper security is in place in order to ensure that they are kept safe, in January, a federal judge in Providence, Rhode Island ruled that a case against… Read More »

Toxic Drinking Water Found at Rhode Island Army Installations
In September, news outlets reported that drinking water supplies in two Rhode Island army installations were found to be contaminated with elevated levels of the toxic, man-made chemicals Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (known as PFAS), which have been linked to cancer, immune system diseases, kidney disease, reproductive problems, thyroid disease, and other issues. The… Read More »